Technical equipment

The service is provided with HD and 4K ready production trucks of 100% Hungarian design and manufacture. New vehicles are added to our fleet in accordance with market requirements.  Due to decades of experience in outside broadcasting, comfortable and ergonomic workstations inside our production trucks have been designed by our engineers taking the highest technical requirements into consideration.

Our equipment is continuously improved and state-of-the-art television equipment and technologies are employed in order to deliver high-quality outside broadcasts ordered by clients. Our vehicle fleet is flexible and mobile. Each OB van can be easily adjusted to client requirements. We are able to easily set up any configuration at our clients’ request. Vehicles and equipment are operated by an expert staff of engineers and technicians, guaranteeing uninterrupted production.

HD OB1  - datasheet HD OB7  - datasheet
HD OB2  - datasheet HD OB8  - datasheet
HD OB3  - datasheet HD OB9  - datasheet
HD OB4  - datasheet HD OB10  - datasheet
HD OB5  - datasheet HD OB11  - datasheet
HD OB6  - datasheet